Missing content?
While we try to choose and present the most relevant resources on birds, it is quite likely that we have missed a number of relevant and useful links. If you have content to suggest, please first search our web directory to check whether we already link to it. If you confirm that we do not, please fill in this form. We will review the suggestion, and add it to the website if deemed suitable.
Organising a birding event?
We actively promote bird-related events across India through our website and social media handes. If you wish to suggest your event to be popularised through Bird Alliance, please fill in this form with details. We update the website once every week, so please submit the form at least a week before your scheduled event.
Lead or manage a birding network?
We are putting together a Google spreadsheet which will have information on birding social networks (online and in-person) across India. If you would like to grow your network or group, please fill in this suggestion form and make it easier for others to find you and connect with your group.
Looking for something else?
If you are looking for something related to birds that you can’t find on the website, please feel free to write to us.
Have some feedback?
What has your experience been with the first version of the Bird Alliance website? Were you able to find what you were looking for? How easy or difficult was it for you to locate the resources you need? Are there any additions or changes you would like to see in the future? Please let us know!