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Getting Kids To Fall In Love With Goa’s Biodiversity

   October 22, 2023

1 January, 2201 @ 12:00 am -

A colouring activity book for children on the biodiversity of Goa

Image: Wild Jewels Of Mhadei

Source: Gomantak Timesi

Shorebird Not Often Seen In Delhi-NCR Spotted In Gurugram

   August 20, 2023

1 January, 2201 @ 12:00 am -

Great Thick-knee spotted in Gurugram after two decades

Image: Aseem Kothiala

Source: Hindustan Timesi

City-Dwelling Wildlife Demonstrate “Urban Trait Syndrome”

   August 8, 2023

1 January, 2201 @ 12:00 am -

A study on the nuanced survival tactics of wildlife residing in urban areas

Image: Kevin J McGowan

Source: The Cornell Lab of Ornithologyi

4000 Bird Watchers, 50000 Checklists, 492 Species – How IIT Scientists Gained From Their Data

   August 2, 2023

1 January, 2201 @ 12:00 am -

An article on how crowdsourced data on birds can lead to better research

Image: Arvind Yadav

Source: The Printi

World Rainforest Day: गोवा, पश्चिमी घाट और वन्य जीवन

1 January, 2201 @ 12:00 am -

Hindi: Himanshu Gupta writes about how the forests of Goa harbour great biodiversity

Image: Himanshu Gupta

Source: Amar Ujalai

నా తోటి వారికి కూడా రక్షణ కల్పిస్తా. – నల్ల ఏట్రింత

1 January, 2201 @ 12:00 am -

Telugu: Ravikumar Dwadasi writes about the Black Drongo

Image: Aseem Kothiala

Source: Sakshii

ଜଙ୍ଗଲ ଓଲେଟ୍: ଜଣାଶୁଣା ଅଜ୍ଞାତ ପକ୍ଷୀ

   May 28, 2023

1 January, 2201 @ 12:00 am -

Odia: Binayak Mohapatra writes about the behaviour of Forest Owlet

Image: Arpit Bansal

Source: Sambadi

पशु-पक्षियों की दुनिया: खरमोर- बारिश का अग्रदूत

   May 19, 2023

1 January, 2201 @ 12:00 am -

Hindi: Himanshu Gupta writes about Lesser Floricans and how protection of its grassland habitats is important for farmers

Image: Himanshu Gupta

Source: Amar Ujalai