- A Bibliography of Publications in South Asian Ornithology
- A List Of BNHS Hybrid (Online + Field) Courses
- A List Of Ornithology And Non-Ornithology Journals
- Are You A Wise Quacker?
- Bird Forum
- Bird Webinars
- Birds in Books: Three Hundred Years of South Asian Ornithology. A Bibliography
- Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS)
- Certificate Course In Birding
- Compendium Of Theses And Dissertations On Indian Ornithology
- Course In Basic Ornithology
- Course In Basic Ornithology
- Course In Basic Ornithology (NPTEL)
- Course In Basic Ornithology (NPTEL)
- Database Of Grants, Awards And Fellowships
- Diploma Course In Basics Of Ornithology
- Grants And Scholarships
- How To Do A Literature Survey On South Asia Ornithology
- Journeys Of Early Career Ornithologists
- M.Sc. Wildlife Science: Ornithology (SACON)